Apologise: I am sorry I haven't written for so long. My work keeps / studies keep me so busy, that I never have a minute to myself, I am really sorry it has taken me so long to write but I have ..., Expressing congratulations: Marvellous to hear that ... / What a surprise to hear that!, I am happy for you / Good for you!, How wonderful that you are getting married!, You should be so proud of yourself, Expressing regret: Unfortunately, I've got some bad news for you, I find it hard to tell you that, I can't find an easy way to tell you this, Words can't express how much I regret, If you need anything, I'd be glad to ..., Expressing thanks: How nice of you to think of me, Thanks again!, I wont forget your kind gesture, Giving advice: If I were you I'd ..., ... how about doing this, Why don't you ..., Let me give you some advice, Hope this helped, Let me know how it went, Letters of invitation / accepting or refusing an invitation: I'd love it if you could come to, I hope you will be able to make it, I hope we can get together some other time., How about next week instead?,
IELTS Informal Letters (language)
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