My ... in the restaurant was lost and we had to wait. (to reserve) - reservation, The doctors didn't manage to save her from this serious ... (ill). - illness, We have over 500 ... in the headoffice. (to employ) - employees, Our rivals got the award "The Best ... of the Year". (to employ) - employer, Modern medicine uses a ... approach to ... . (science, to treat) - scientific, treatment, Have you made your ... yet? (to decide) - decision, The last semester was really tough, so we had a really ... holiday. (to relax) - relaxing, We regularly assess our workers' ... . (to perform) - performance, What's your favourite ... ? (to possess) - possession, This politician gained ... for making promises no one can fulfil. (popular) - populariry, Can you play any ... instrument? (music) - musical, I'd like to have a personal ... in the gym but I can't afford it. (to train) - trainer, Wy don't you want to be a real estate ... ? (to consult) - consultant, The house we are selling is really ... . (to afford) - affordable, I admire your ... to stay calm and focused in any situation. (able) - ability,
Word Formation Speakout Pre-Intermediate
English for Adults
Speakout Pre-Intermediate 2nd edition
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