What food did you use to hate but now you like?, Who used to be your hero when you were young?, Did you use to have a pet?, Did you use to get good grades in high school?, What used to be your favorite game to play?, Where did you use to play when you were a child?, How often did you use to get in trouble when you were younger?, What was your country like when you were a child?, Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not?, What were some of the benefits of living in the past?, Talk about your country’s past (100 years ago), how was the past different from the present., What ussed to be your biggest dream?, What did you use to be scared of?, What did you use to play with?, Where did you use to go on your holidays?, What used to be your favourite toy?, What used to be your favourite fim? Why?, What food did you use to like?, Did you use to ride a bicycle?, Did you use to have a pet?, Who used to be your hero?.
Lesson 2.1 p 19 - Conversational Questions with USED TO
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