1) people play a role/part in government a) republicanism b) limited government c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty 2) people vote for people to represent them a) republicanism b) limited government c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty 3) government is limited in their power a) republicanism b) limited government c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty 4) rights that people have (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) a) republicanism b) limited government c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty 5) each branch checks on each other a) republicanism b) limited government c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty 6) power is shared (federal and state government) a) republicanism b) limited government c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty 7) power is divided between the three branches a) republicanism b) separation of powers c) individual rights d) federalism e) checks and balances f) popular sovereignty

7 Principles of Government


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