This is a SACK-sa-fone. The SACK-sa-fone is shiny. The SACK-sa-fone makes music, I have a KWESS-chin. My KWESS-chin is "How are you?" Do you have a KWESS-chin for me?, HeLLo! We say heLLo when we see someone we know. I can say heLLo to my teachers, I like lizards. I have two lizards. My lizards' names are Mr. and Mrs. Leopard Gecko., I like snakes. My snakes are named Maggie and Steve. They are yellow, brown and black., I like french fries. French fries are hot. French fries are good., I like frogs. Frogs are green. Frogs can hop., I like fruit. Fruit can be red. Fruit is good., I like VEG-tuh-buls. Vegetables are good for you. Vegetables come in different colors..
Multi Sound Artic Game
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