I saw a quail on the trail., It was my job to man the sail., I was not in the main cast of the play., They will paint the chairs., The mailman fell on the stairs., My sprained ankle was painful., The rain fell and made my dog wail., The small train was quaint., Feed the grain to the chickens., It rained when I was in Spain., My outfit was too plain for the party., Ray will lay down on the haystack., It is a gray day., Fay can pay for our way home., Which way is it to catch the train?, I would like to have a weekend getaway trip., The paint sprayed the bluejay. , The steak tasted great., The sun comes out at daybreak., I had the greatest spring break. , Can we have that great beef steak again?, The dog did not obey its master., The rabbit was the wolf's prey., They said hey as they passed by. , We had a survey to pass out to our classmates., The man will try to convey his message., She is eighty-eight years old., The sleigh was pulled by eight mules., My neighbor ships cargo freight containers., What is your weight?, I weigh too much!, Her home is the eighth on the neighborhood street. ,
long /a/ (ai, ay, ea, eigh, ey)
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