True: Montgomery is the capital of Alabama., Little Rock is h=the capital of Arkansas., Baton Rouge is the capital of Louisiana., Tallahassee is the capital of Florida., Atlanta is the capital of Georgia., .Jackson is the capital of Mississippi., Frankfort is the capital of Kentucky., Nashville is the capital of Tennessee., Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina., Columbia is the capital of South Carolina., Richmond is the capital of Virginia., Charleston is the capital of West Virginia., False: Baton Rouge is the capital of Florida., Baton Rouge is the capital of Kentucky., Montgomery is the capital of Arkansas., Montgomery is the capital of Mississippi., Little Rock is the capital of Alabama., Little Rock is the capital of North Carolina., Tallahassee is the capital of Georgia., Tallahassee is the capital of West Virginia., Atlanta is the capital of Florida., Atlanta is the capital of Virginia., Jackson is the capital of Kentucky., Jackson is the capital of Tennessee., Frankfort is the capital of Alabama., Frankfort is the capital of North Carolina., Nashville is the capital of West Virginia., Nashville is the capital of Arkansas., Raleigh is the capital of West Virginia., Raleigh is the capital of South Carolina., Columbia is the capital of North Carolina., Columbia is the capital of Virginia., Richmond is the capital of West Virginia., Richmond is the capital of Georgia., Charleston is the capital of Virginia., Charleston is the capital of Mississippi.,
Capitals True & False
4th Grade
United States
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