Hi, it’s Nigel Clarke, your Roadmap reporter, here. Now, tourists love the UK and one place that’s really popular is Cambridge. 8 million tourists ____ Cambridge every year. So, I'm here to ____ why. What's your ____? Uh, Ibrahim, you can ____ me. My name is Ilia. Hi, my name is Judith. And where are you ____? I’m from Venice, ____. I am from Barcelona. I’m from China. And ____ are you here today? I’m here to visit the city. It’s beautiful. I’m here to go ____. I’m ____ to visit the university. Next stop, Trinity College, to meet Cambridge tour ____, Tony Rogers. Hi, Tony. Hi, Nigel. So, why is Cambridge ____ popular? One ____ is the university. Cambridge is full of fantastic buildings ____ this. Is this the university? This is Trinity College, which is ____ of the University of Cambridge. It's an ____ building. Yes, it's very popular with ____. Cambridge is ____ fantastic buildings like King's College, the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Bridge of Sighs. Come on, let's ____. Great, ____ go! So, Tony, where are we ____? This is Market Hill. There's a ____ here every day. It sells books, clothes, food ... ____ really. Food? Well I am pretty ____! Shall we ____ some? Sounds good to me! These look amazing. What are they ____? This is arepa. And where are they from? This is ____ from Venezuela. Ah, can I try one? F1: Yeah, ____, you can. N: This ____ delicious! F2: Yes, it’s paella. N: Paella? F2: Yeah, yes. N: Where is it from? F2: It’s from Spain. Would you like to try some? N: Yes, please! F2: OK, wonderful! N: Ah, is that mac and cheese? F3: Yes, it is! ____ one? N: Yes, can I get two, please? F3: Yeah, ____, no problem. ____, sir! N: Thank you ____ much. F3: Thank you. T: Thank you very much, Nigel. N: Mm, so good! T: Delicious. N: So, where to now? T: ____ go to the river. N: OK! What are these ____? They’re everywhere! T: They’re called ‘punts’. They’re very popular, and a great ____ to see the city. N: It ____ awesome. T: It is. Give it a ____! N: Well, Tony, thank you so much for showing me around Cambridge. It’s a really fantastic ____! T: You’re ____. And enjoy the punting! N: Thanks! N: Well, what an amazing day! Cambridge is full of interesting things to do. It's easy to see why it's so popular! Anyway, it’s time for more punting! So, this is Nigel Clarke, your Roadmap ____, ____!
RoadMap a1 unit 1 video script
RoadMap A1
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