Mood - The emotions that a text makes the reader feel, Tone - General feeling or attitude given by the author, Claim - An answer to a debatable question; to state one side of an argument as truthful, Support - To back up or justify your claim or argument with evidence, Evaluate - To make a judgment on a topic, Cite - To quote specific evidence from a text or source, Chronological - Arrangement of events in the order in which they occurred, Figurative Language - Words or phrases used for effect, humor, or exaggeration, instead of their literal meaning, Contrast - To find differences between texts or subject matter, Symbol - An object, person, situation, or action that has one meaning but can represent something else, Stanza - A group of lines in a poem, Trait - A specific characteristic or quality of a character or object, Fiction - Written work created from the imagination, and is not presented as fact, though it may be based on actual events, Plot - The sequence of events throughout a story, Author's Perspective - The way an author looks at a topic or idea, Connotation - Feelings or ideas connected to a single word,
ELA Vocabulary Terms 2
İçeriği Düzenle
Daha fazla
Skor Tablosu
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Daha az göster
Bu lider panosu şu anda gizlidir. Herkese açmak için
'a tıklayın.
Bu lider panosu kaynak sahibi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı.
Seçenekleriniz kaynak sahibinden farklı olduğu için bu lider panosu devre dışı bırakıldı.
Seçenekleri Eski Haline Döndür
açık uçlu bir şablondur. Bir lider panosu için skor oluşturmaz.
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