Simple: The dog bit the mailman., That is my favorite movie., Sherlock Holmes solved the mystery., Bobby and Jane played in an exciting whiffleball game., John went to the store, We burned the toast, Grant swam and played soccer yesterday, The school was only five miles away, Leslie and Jeff played in the park all day., Christmas is my favorite holiday., Compound: I went to the store, and I went to the post office., I really need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive., They got there early, so they got good seats., I like the winter, but I like summer better., John went to the store, but it was closed, Sarah saw three plays; Cats was her favorite., I enjoy playing video games, but I have school work to do. , Mary was sick, so I picked up her assignments for her., There is problem everywhere yet nobody can aThere are problems everywhere, yet nobody can admit it., Mary went to work, but John went to the party.,
Simple and Compound Sentences
4th Grade
5th Grade
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