1) What is an ecosystem? a) A living community of plants and animals in a natural environment b) A group of animals living together c) Temperate countries 2) What type of soil is in the rainforest? a) Chalky b) Mineral rich c) Latosol 3) How are plants adapted to savanna grasslands? a) They shed water quickly b) They are xerophytic (drought resisitant) c) They are tall and wide 4) What are some ways humans impact the rainforest? a) Logging, mining, tourism b) Tourism, coffee growing, rubber tapping c) Farming, mining, shopping 5) What are the two layers of savanna grasslands? a) Grasses and fields b) Grasses and trees c) Grasses and desert 6) What type of soil is in the coniferous forest? a) Chalky soil b) Podsol c) Latosol 7) What are the perfect conditions for tropical rainforests? a) Cool and dry b) Wet and cool c) Hot and wet 8) What are the five layers of a rainforest? a) Canopy, emergent, shrubs, trees, plants b) Emergents, under canopy, shrubs, trees, leaves c) Emergents, canopy, under canopy, shrubs, floor 9) How do trees adapt in coniferous forests? a) Tall, oval shaped b) Conical shape, evergreen, needle leaves c) Have leaves and trunks 10) What are rainforests best known for? a) Being in polar regions b) Supporting lots of humans c) Biodiversity (lots of species in a small area) 11) What can logging cause? a) Global warming b) Growth of rainforest c) Environmental sustainabililty 12) Where are rainforests found? a) In temperature regions b) Near the equator c) In polar regions
Ecosystems Revision
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