Present Simple: He doesn`t work in the office, he works in the factory, She often sings in the choir, I run every morning in the park , We don`t play football after lesson., Present Continuous: I am writing letter to my friends., He isn`t running now., Are you listening to me?, It is still raining., Past Simple: I worked in the garden yesterday., Mary didn`t do homework yesterday, Did John play football with you?, She was a teacher in the school., Past Continuous: I was working in the office at 8 o`clock yesterday., He wasn`t cooking a dinner because mother was cooking., Was you doing your homework from 12 till 16 yesterday?, I was reading when my mother came in my room., Future Simple: Mary will move the house tomorrow., Will you invite John to the party?, I won`t go to shop because of the rain, He`ll come to me and we`ll watch films., Present Perfect: We've worked together this week., I haven't played alone yet., I have just done my homework., She has studied for the exam for two hours., Past Perfect: I had finished my homework by the time my friend came over., She had already eaten dinner before she went to the movie., We had traveled to Europe before we visited Asia., They had watched that movie twice before they decided to see a different one.,
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