slice - When a large ingredient — such as potatoes or onions — is cut into large, flat pieces of a similar size, chop - To cut similar sized square pieces that are roughly half an inch in diameter, dice - To cut ingredients into small, square-shaped pieces, mince - The tiniest cut, basically referring to the smallest pieces you can create., dash - A measurement that is roughly 1/8 teaspoon., pinch - A measurement based on the amount of spice you can literally "pinch" between your fingers, is around 1/16 teaspoon, roast - When cooking savory foods in the oven, such as cuts of meat or vegetables, bake - When cooking desserts, pastries, or breads in the oven, broil - To cook food in the oven only on one side (the top) at a very high heat, saute - To quickly cook food over high heat on the stovetop while stirring, sear - To cook for a brief period of time over high heat with no stirring to create browning, char - To cook in a very hot pan or grill grate on the stovetop to darken almost to the point of burning, deep fry - To cook by fulling submerging in hot oil, pan fry - A combination of deep fry and saute where less than half of the item is submerged in oil., braise - A process of browning meat on all sides and then submerging the meat in liquid to slow-cook, boil - To cook in liquid that is boiling which produces bubbles and movement, simmer - To cook a liquid just below the boiling point with small amounts of bubbling, steam - To cook in the steam of boiling water without submerging the food in any water, blanch - To dip vegetables in boiling water for a short period so they cook shortly but stay crisp, ice bath - A large bowl of ice water used to dip food in to stop the cooking process,
Common Cooking Terms
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