We never go to school at the weekends. , Does she often listen to the radio? , My mum is usually tired after work., She sometimes rides her bike in the park. , His brother never does his homework in the evening. , We are usually hungry in the afternoon. , I am never bored in English class. , Do your parents sometimes play computer games?, My friends and I are often busy on Fridays. , He never forgets his homework, He always does his homework., I often watch films online., Do you often go to the cinema?, I always go to the cinema at the weekend., She usually has cereal for breakfast., They sometimes watch TV in the evenings., We never go to museums., They are usually on holiday in July., He is sometimes late for school., She always does her homework after school., I usually have cereal for breakfast., How often do you play computer games?, They sometimes make a cake., She always plays the piano in the evenings. , We usually go to the park on Sundays.,
Present Simple + adverbs of frequency 25 sent #my_teaching_stuff
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