One thing I must say is ..., Strange as it may sound …, You won't believe it but …, One thing I must confess ..., Rumor has it that ..., All in all ..., To cut a long story short ..., If you ask me …, In my opinion ..., My top priority is/was ..., In my experience ..., That makes me think ..., If there's one thing I like about ..., Just the other day I was thinking ..., The one thing that gets my nerve is/was ..., At first I felt ..., I'd always heard that …, To me …, The truth is …, You may think I'm crazy but …, Here's the thing …, It may sound silly but …, Please don't get me wrong but …, I see no point in …, Quite frankly …, Never before had I …, I'm lost for words to say …, In my whole life …, The one thing I want(ed) the most is/was …, First of all …, No one would ever believe it but …, This is something I never told anyone ....
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