bit - The smallest unit of memory in a computer., memory - Core Computer Function - Computer's ability to store data., processing - Core Computer Function - Computer's ability to manipulate data to achieve or calculate an outcome from input., input - Core Computer Function - A computer's ability to intake something to use it., output - Core Computer Function - Computer's ability to make results from an input., code - The set of instructions, or a system of rules, written in a particular programming language that determines what a computer needs to do after receiving input., C++ - World's most common programming language. It has a variety of applications., JavaScript - Programming language. It's used primarily for game development and web page creation., Python - Programming language that is used for websites, automation of tasks, and data analysis., Binary - Code based on a system of two digits representing two states (on and off), usually using the digits 0 and 1., computer - A device that is capable of taking in information or input, storing that information, processing that information for a specific purpose, and then creating a result or output using that data and input., space - The biggest limiting factor for increasing computer power., Moore's Law - The principle that computing power will double every two years or so., quantum computers - New computers that have proved to be more powerful than traditional computers., programming - The process of writing code, instructions, and software for a computer that directs them on what actions they need to perform and how they can perform them.,
How Computers Work
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