1) What do milling machines do? a) changes machine parts b) used in mills c) cuts through 3D objects d) a gaming computer e) solves math problems 2) What's a bit? Select the two answers. a) smallest piece of info in a computer. b) On and off state of the wire. c) code d) a binary code e) A problem in the hardware 3) Text, images, and sound can also be represented by binary numbers. True or False? a) True b) False 4) How is the number 9 represented in binary code? a) 1000 b) 1100 c) 1010 d) 1011 e) 1001 5) How fast does electricity move? a) 100,000 mph b) 50,000 mph c) 300,000 mph d) 10,000 mph e) 500,000 mph 6) How many calculations per second can modern circuits perform? a) Thousands b) Billions c) Trillions d) Hundrends e) Quadrillions 7) How many wires are needed to store numbers from 0 to over 4 billion in the binary system? a) 52 b) 41 c) 55 d) 32 e) 70 8) What does CPU stand for? a) Central processing unit b) Computer process unit c) Code process unit d) Computer point union e) Central program units 9) What 6 examples of computer hardware were listed in the video? a) Computer, chips, wires, electricity, problem solving, binary b) Circuts, computers, sepakers, wires, staff, words. c) Cookies, chips, wires, speakers, plugs, stuff. d) Computer, contour, wires, speakers, program, stuff. e) Circuits, chips, wires, speakers, plugs, stuff. 10) The operating system is the system that manages all the other programs on the computer. True or False? a) True b) False 11) What is the CPU? Select the Two answers. a) it controls all the other parts of the computer. b) Pill that helps digestion c) Cookies d) Another name for the keyboard e) Master chip 12) Hi a) hi b) There has to be a wrong answer if I want One button. So, I mean you could press it. Hint. It'll mark it wrong.
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