CPU - Central Processing Unit, Milling Machine - Takes a rotating cutting tool and creates 3d objects, 6 Computer Hardwares - Circuits, Chips, Wires, Speakers, Plugs, Stuff, What is the Operating System? - The Master Program that manages how softwares uses the hardware of a computer., What is the CPU? - Master chip that controls all the parts other parts of the computer., 6 Computer Softwares - Apps, Games, Websites, Maps, Creative, Analysis, 4 Parts of a Computer - Input, output, storage, processing, What do Quantuam computers look like? - It looks like a chandelier, Quantuam Computer are Small - No, it is very big, Does a Milling Machine make tools? - No, makes 3d objects, Does CPU stand for Computer Processing Unit? - False, Coding is easy - Yes, anyone can do it, There are 6 Parts of a Computer? - No, there are only 4 parts, There are 8 Computer Softwares? - No, there are only 6 computer softwares, Are Binary Codes Real - True,
How Computers Work
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