driving licence - a document that you need to drive a car, wallet - a small case for paper money (usually, used by men), purse - a small case for paper money (usually, used by women), handbag - a small bag for money, keys, make-up, etc, make-up - lipstick, mascara, foundation and other things that you can use to make your face more beautiful, cap - item of clothing that you wear on your head, scarf - item of clothing that you wear around your neck, earrings - a piece of jewellery that you can wear on your ears, gloves - a piece of clothing that you wear on the hands to keep them warm, sweater - a warm knitted piece of clothing with long sleeves, hairbrush - an item used for making the hair on your head neat and beautiful, phone charger - a device that is used to charge the battery, necklace - a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, notebook - a thing to write your ideas, dreams or plans, poster - a big picture with your favourite singer or actor, battery - a device that gives electricity and power for cars, devices, etc, envelope - a paper case which you can use to send the letter, folder - a plastic thing to store documents or papers, ID card - an important document that states your name and surname, scissors - a device for cutting papers, materials or hair,
Roadmap A2 (2B vocab)
Roadmap A2
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