Middle East region - Region around the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It includes the countries that are located where the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa meet., Mediterranean climate - Hot dry summers, warm wet winters., Arid - More evaporation than precipitation, dry, limited vegetation., Sparsely populated - An area which contains few people., Densely populated - An area which contains many people., Bedouin - Indigenous people who move around the desert., Nomadic - Moving around from place to place., Indigenous - The original people who have always lived in a particular place., Desert climate - Dry climate, shortage of rainfall, extreme temperature., Climate graph - A graph to show average rainfall and temperature of a place., Precipitation - when water vapour condenses and turns to a liquid. , Average - number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean., Insolation - Incoming solar radiation., Latitude - Distance from the equator., Biome - The largest type of ecosystem – a community of plants and animals living in one place.,
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