Somatic Disorder - Therapeutic Communication: Client has symptoms that are medically unexplained, excessive, time-consuming, and impairing to the client, Limit the amount of time the client can talk about the somatic manifestations, Encourage verbalization of feelings, Educate on coping mechanisms / stress management techniques, Illness Anxiety Disorder: S/Sx are thought to be severe medical condition, -Seek numerous opinions or avoid medical care completely d/t fear, severe distress & obsessive thoughts/ fear about illness, Conversion Disorder: neurological symptoms in the absence of neurological diagnosis - client physically CAN'T do things, Alteration involuntary motor or sensory functions (Paralysis, Blindness, Mutism. Deafness, Tingling), Factitious Disorder: Client falsifies a physical or psychological manifestation in the absence of personal gain, Client is often very smart, and describes the illness with proper medical terms, Every time there is a negative test, they report new symptoms - are dramatic when describing illness, Malingering: motivated and driven by a person’s gain (money, disability rewards), HX of child abuse or chronic childhood illness, Dependent or Borderline personality, Avoid confrontation - communicate suspicious to provider,
MH: Somatic Disorders
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