comedy - a type of film that is made to entertain the audience and contains jokes, fantasy film - a type of film that is set in a magical world, often involving traditional myths and magical creatures, reality show - a television programme about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations, romantic comedy - a film that deals with love in a light, humorous way., horror film - a film in which very frightening or unnatural things happen, for example people being murdered, soap opera - a series of television about the lives and problems of a particular group of characters, musical - a film in which part of the story is sung to music, war film - a film genre concerned with war, typically about naval, air, or land battles, talent show - a competition to find the best singer, dancer, or other entertainer that is performed as a show on a stage, thriller - a film that has an exciting story, often about solving a crimes or mystical events, animation - a film or series with moving images created from drawings, models. usually for kids, action film - a film in which a lot of exciting things happen, weather forecast - a television or radio programme that informs about weather , science fiction - a film about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets, chat show - an television programme on which famous people are asked questions, news bulletin - a short news programme on television or radio, western - a film based on stories about life in the west of the US in the past, documentary - a film that gives facts and information about a subject,
films and tv programmes
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