seed - corn, peas, and beans are this type of vegetable, kneading - step in preparation of yeast dough that is essential to developing the gluten, sweet - kind of potato that can be swapped with yams, compote - made by simmering fresh fruits or dried fruits in sugar syrup, Bavarian cream - Vanilla sauce, gelatin, and whipped cream are combined to make this dessert filling., curdling - process used to separate a milk's solids from it's liquid or whey, menu - primary sales tool in most operations, shortening - A major difference between the content of lean dough and rich dough is the presence of __________., protein - Three basic parts of all cheeses are water, fat, and __________., home-fried - traditional form of breakfast potatoes that are shredded or chopped raw before being cooked, US Extra Fancy - highest USDA grade for fresh fruit, collagen - type of connective tissue that breaks down during the process of cooking meat, large - most recipes are based on this size of egg, intermediaries - In a channel of distribution, wholesalers, suppliers, and distributors are considered to be __________., U.S. Fancy - Most fresh fruits purchased for foodservice operations are graded __________.,
Culinary Arts 2 - Final Exam Review 2
11th Grade
12th Grade
Vocational / Technical
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