Appearance - The outward look of an object: color, shape, size, etc., Heat - The energy of moving particles in a substance, Dissolve - The process by which substances break down into small pieces and spread evenly through a liquid (water), Flexibility - The ability to bend without breaking, Gas - A state of matter in which the substance expands to take both the shape and the volume of its container, Solubility - The ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance, such as sugar dissolving in water, Matter - Anything that has mass and takes up space, Conductor - A substance or object that allows energy to flow through it easily, Liquid - A state of matter that takes the shape of its container, filling the bottom of the container first; has the ability to flow; has a definite volume, Relative Density - Floating or sinking when compared to water, Magnetism - A force of attraction that causes a magnetic material to move, Insulator - A substance or object that does not allow energy to flow through it easily, Physical Properties - Properties of matter that can be observed, measured, or changed without changing the matter itself, Electrical Energy - Energy that is absorbed or delivered by an electric circuit, Mixture - a combination of two or more substances, Physical State - A form that matter can take, such as solid, liquid, or gas, Volume - The amount of space matter takes up, Mass - The amount of matter in something, Solution - A type of mixture in which the particles of one or more substances are dissolved (uniformly dispersed throughout) in another substance,
Properties of Matter
5th Grade
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