windows 10(64 bit)(x64) - 1 GHz processor, 2 GB of RAM, and at least 32 GB of hard drive space, windows 10(32 bit)(x86) - 1 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM, and at least 32 GB of hard drive space, Windows 11 (64-bit) - dual-core 1 GHz processor, 4 GB of RAM, and at least 64 GB of hard drive space., Clean install - will completely replace the operating system software on the computer with the new operating system. During a ---------, all of the user’s data, settings, and applications will be deleted, in-place upgrade - an installation of the new operating system on top of an existing version of the operating system. A------------------- will preserve the applications, user settings, and data files that already exist on the computer., refresh installation - a type of installation that will recopy the system files and revert most system settings to their default configuration while preserving user personalization settings, data files, and applications installed through the Windows Store., Repair installation - a type of installation that attempts to replace the existing version of the operating system files with a new copy of the same version. A ------------------ is useful when trying to repair a Windows computer that will not boot or when you believe the system files have become corrupted since it will keep all of the existing user data, settings, and applications during the repair.,
compTIA 1102 minimum req/install types
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