young - Vegetarian diets are growing the fastest in older adolescents and ______ adults., amino - Protein is made up of ______acids., lacto - This type of vegetarian would eat a diet consisting of dairy products as well as plant matter., food - We get essential amino acids from _______., protect - Fat helps insulate and _______ our organs. , vegan - This diet consists of only plant matter and does not allow or any animal products or bi-products., nine - There are ____ essential amino acids., simple - Fruits, juice, milk sweets,and soda are examples of _____ carbohydrates., Greek - Vegetarian diets began in the 6th century. Many _____ philosophers contributed to the diet's creation., eleven - There are ____ non-essential amino acids., semi - This type of vegetarian would flow between a diet of meats and a diet of plant matter., riboflavin - This vitamin is necessary for growth of tissue. , fish - A pesco-vegetarian would eat a diet consisting of ____ in addition to plant matter., micronutrients - Vitamins and minerals are considered ______., water - 60% of the human body is made up of this., macronutrients - Carbohydrates, protein, and fats are all ______., ovo - This type of vegetarian would eat a diet consisting of eggs and egg products as well as plant matter., thebody - Non-essential amino acids are made by ______., iron - A mineral found in red meats which help carry oxygen to the body's cells., complex - Vegetables, grains, rice, legumes and pasta are examples of ______ carbohydrates. ,
Vegetarian Crossword
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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