Making suggestions and giving reasons: Shall we start with…?, I would say that … would be a good idea., It might be a good idea to…., I think…might be a better idea because…, Perhaps they should.., Asking your partner’s opinion : How do you think …might be good for..?, So, what do you think about the idea of x-ing sth…?, What about this sort of activity?, Would you agree with that?, Agree/disagree : It might be a good idea. This sounds like a good idea., Yes, that’s true, I think so too., I agree with you., I’m not sure about that., I can see what you mean but… might be a better idea., That is true, but on the other hand, …. would also…, Reaching agreement : I’d suggest either… or…, Both those things/activities are…, In my opinion, the best choice/option is.. because.., I think we should choose.. because.., I agree, so shall we choose…?, Yes, let’s go for that., You might be right but I think we should also consider.. because.., I think your suggestion would be fine if...., but...,
FCE speaking 3
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