1) A pupil is asked to react chalk with acid and measure accurately the volume of carbon dioxide produced every minute. Which combination of apparatus would be most suitable to use?  a) P and Q b) P and R c) S and Q d) S and R 2) Which piece of apparatus would be most suitable to accurately transfer 15.2 ml of chemical to a beaker? a) b) c) d) 3) Which diagram shows the apparatus which would allow a soluble gas to be removed from a mixture of gases? a) b) c) d) 4) Sulphur dioxide gas is more dense than air and is very soluble in water. Which of the following diagrams shows the most appropriate apparatus for collecting and measuring the volume of sulphur dioxide given off  a) b) c) d) 5) Which diagram shows the apparatus which would allow a soluble gas to be removed from a mixture of gases? a) b) c) d) 6) Gas X was dried and passed through the apparatus shown. Gas X could be a) carbon dioxide b) carbon monoxide c) hydrogen d) air 7) The apparatus illustrated was used to investigate the products formed when a gas was burned.A colourless liquid collected in tube X and the lime water in tube Y remain clear. a) hydrogen b) carbon monoxide c) methane d) ethane 8) The alcohol content of wine was analysed by four students. Each student carried out the experiment three times. The most reproducible results were obtained by a) Student A b) Student B c) Student C d) Student D 9) Which of the following procedures would be best for obtaining sodium chloride from a mixture of sodium chloride and silver chloride? a) Add water, filter and collect residue. b) Add water, filter and evaporate filtrate. c) Add hydrochloric acid, filter and collect residue d) Add sodium hydroxide solution, filter and evaporate residue. 10) A solution of potassium carbonate, made up using tap water, was found to be cloudy. This could result from the tap water containing a) sodium ions b) chloride ions c) magnesium ions d) sulphate ions. 11) 50 g of potassium nitrate and 50 g of potassium chloride are dissolved separately, each in 100 cm3 of water. The solutions are cooled to 40 0C. From the information in the graph, decide which of the following is likely to happen? a) No crystals form. b) Crystals of potassium nitrate form. c) Crystals of potassium chloride form. d) Crystals of both substances form. 12) Using bromine solution, a student carried out titrations to determine the concentration of limonene in a household cleaner. What average volume should be used in calculating the concentration of limonene? a) 15.9 b) 16 c) 16.1 d) 16.6

Higher chemistry practical techniques

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