what does cte stand for, career technical education, What does PfISD stand for?, Pflugerville Independent School District, Why is the purpose of CTE?, prepares the workforce across a wide range of industries and occupations., What percentage of high school students are engaged in CTE?, 92% of high school students, CTE associate degrees can pay, CTE associate degrees can pay 10 thousand or more, what does skilled worker stand for?, a worker with special skills, training or knowledge, what does infrastructure stand for?, the services and facilities necessary for an area's emocmy, households, and firms to function., what does workforce stand for?, the total numbers of workers in a specific undertaking, what does career cluster stand for?, a group of occupations, How many career clusters are there?, 16, How many career clusters does PfISD offer programs in?, 15, What are the career clusters for which PfISD does NOT offer programs?, government and public administration.
all about cte
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