elasticity - _______________ is the ability of a material to deflect and return back to its original shape., pinecones - When water is removed from a material, the material contracts. When water is added, the material stretches and becomes softer. ____________ use this principle., nanabots - Understanding what we can learn from squid will contribute to ____________ with the ability to maneuver in fluids in the human body., seven - White light is made up of ________ different color components., optics - _____________ is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of light., camera - The field of view in a ______________ is much smaller than the one in the human eye., brain - Our ____________ is the most complex organ in our body., chemistry - The science where the mixing of two or more substances together and observing the newly formed compound., ten times the length of the beetle - How far can the bombardier beetle spray?, fingertips - The sensitivity of our _____________ is incredible., proteins - The wasp's saliva contains _____________, which help bond the wood fibers together to make their next., reflective - The ____________________ pigment layer of a cat's eyes lend to the shining appearance ., electromagnetism - __________________ is the relationship between electricity and magnetism., drag - ___________________ slows down and is a hindrance in the flow of fluid., they need fans - Termite mounds do not need any help with mass flow. The Eastgate Mall needs a little help in this area. What do they need?, windshield wipers - What did a mechanical engineer named Bob Kearns invent in the 1950s based on the blinking or our eyes?, sound - Shock waves are caused when an object reaches the speed of _____________., thermodynamics - Photosynthesis is the conversion of energy. Energy can't be created or destroyed. Energy converted from one for to the other is the first law of __________________., leaves grow out from the center in a circular direction - What is the general shape of pattern that plant leaves seem to follow?,
Applied Engineering - Final Exam
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