carrots - what does the rabbit eat?, Great Britain - where is London?, writer - who is Gianni Rodari?, fruit - what is banana?, footballer - who is Messi?, wind - is free and trasparent, contact lenses - with them you see well but you don't go fast, pr - Proper, witches - when it rains they comb their hair, chicken - it has got a lot of feathers and it has got orange feet, alarm clock - it disturbs many children and adults every morning, planets - there are some of them in the space, gloves - they are used in a football match on a special person, bone - what is biting the dog in this moment?, bee - which animal is yellow and black?, kiwi - which fruit is brown and green?, chili - what is that thing that makes you cough when you eat it, dog - who is man's best friend?, giraffe - which is the animal with a long neck?, seahorse - the horse that lives under water, monkey - who is our ancestor?,
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