visible - able to be seen or perceived, vision - ability to see, vista - a distant view , visitor - one who stays briefly or travels from afar, audiovisual - using sight or sound to present information, video - the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images, divide - to separate into parts, provide - to make something available for use, videography - the art of making videos, evidence - what the police need to see before they charge someone with a crime, paragraph - group of related sentences, telegraph - an old machine for sending electronic messages, xylophone - a percussion instrument made of bars, phonics - a method of teaching language using letter sounds, headphone - a listening device covering the ear, telescope - device used to observe distant or far away objects , microscope - optical instrument to magnify tiny things, stethoscope - instrument used to hear noises of the body, diagram - drawing or sketch that makes something clearer, autograph - a signature, television - device that displays a transmission of images, telekinesis - the ability to move objects with the mind, photographer - one who captures images with a camera, democracy - government by the people, malfunction - to not operate or work correctly, benevolent - well-meaning and kindly, aristocracy - rule by an upper class,
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