She'll go to her yoga class tomorrow - Aiff hi i'w dosbarth yoga hi yfory., He bought a Stereophonics ticket for his wife. - Prynodd e docyn Stereophonics i'w wraig e., They drove to our house. - Gyrron ni i'n tŷ ni., your question and my answer - dy gwestiwn a fy ateb, his newspaper a her magazine - ei bapur newydd a'i chylchgrawn hi, our football and their rugby ball - ein pêl droed a'u pêl rygbi, her wine and his whisky - ei gwin a'i whisgi, their bags and our suitcase - eu bagiau a'n cês, She asked his mother. - Gofynnodd hi i'w fam., He moved from his big house to a bungalow. - Symudodd e o'i dŷ mawr i fyngalo., She came from her house to the party in a taxi. - Daeth hi o'i thŷ hi i'r parti mewn tacsi., They drove from their villa to the airport. - Gyrron nhw o'u fila i'r maes awyr.,
Uned 16 Canolradd - Cywasgiadau / Contractions
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