noun - a naming word, verb - a 'doing', 'thinking' or 'being' word, adjective - describes a noun or an adverb, adverb - usually gives more information about a verb, pronoun - stands in place of a noun, preposition - places something e.g. in time, position or direction, article - a, the, an, phrase - a small group of words functioning as a unit in a sentence, subordinate clause - adds more information to a sentence, main clause - The most important clause in a sentence. Contains a subject and a verb and can stand on its own., antonym - a word that means the opposite to another, synonym - a word that means the same as another, contraction - a shortened form of words (using an apostrophe), conjunction - join together different parts of sentence, determiner - precedes a noun and refers directly to it e.g. the, a, some, my, five, those, clause - a group of words, more than a phrase, that includes a noun and a verb,
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