1. Why would aluminium be used for this product: Does not rust (1), Malleable, easy to bend to shape (1), Attractive appearance shiny silver colour , Does not need an additional finish such as paint, Easy to work with, e.g. cut and shape (1), It is strong and will support the weight of items hung, It is durable and long lasting (1), Easy to source (1), Can be recycled at the end of its life (1), 2. Why would oak be used for this product: It is strong and will support the weight of a human, It is durable and long lasting (2), Can be recycled at the end of its life (2), Attractive appearance light coloured straight grain, It is heavy so will be stable, Why would MDF be used for this product: Easy to work with, e.g. cut and shape (3), Available in large sheets/boards, Has a smooth flat surface suitable for painting, Is inexpensive compared to solid timber, Is from a recycled source, Easy to source (3), 4. Why was galvanised mild steel used for this product : Is inexpensive compared to other metals, Easy to source (4), Easy to work with, e.g. cut and shape (4), It is strong and will support the weight of a human (hanging), Does not rust (4), Can be recycled at the end of its life (4), Malleable, easy to bend to shape (4), It is durable and long lasting (4),
N4/5 DM Wood and Metal Past Paper Marking Schemes
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