SLIDE MASTER - stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation, ACTION BUTTONS - built-in shapes you can add to a presentation and set to link to another slide, DESIGN TEMPLATES - a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides, ANIMATION - help make a PowerPoint presentation more dynamic, and help make information more memorable, TRANSITION - the visual effect that occurs when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation, HOW TO MAKE A HANDOUT - click File > Print. Go to Settings > Full Page Slides, and then under Handouts, select the layout you want and look at the preview pane, SLIDE SORTER - lets you see your slides on the screen in a grid that makes it easy to reorganize them, or organize them into sections, just by dragging and dropping them where you want them, HOW TO USE SLIDE MASTER - click View > Slide Master. Select the master slide and click the Master Layout button on the top ribbon, HOW TO ADD A FOOTER TO A SLIDE - click INSERT, Header & Footer, make sure Slide is selected, and choose your options, HOW TO ADD A FOOTER TO A HANDOUT - click INSERT, Header & Footer, make sure Notes and Handouts is selected, and choose your options,
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