cause - an event or process that leads to a result or change, collision - the moment when two objects hit each other, effect - a result or change that happens because of an event or process, equal - the same in quantity, size, degree, or value, exert - to apply a force, force - a push or a pull that can change the motion of an object, friction - a force between an object and the surface it is moving over, infer - to reach a conclusion using evidence and reasoning, kinetic energy - the energy that an object has because it is moving, mass - the amount of matter that makes up an object, matter - anything that has mass and takes up space, opposite - acting or going in the reverse direction, speed - how fast an object is moving, velocity - speed in a particular direction, pod - a self-contained unit on an aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, or vessel that can be detached for a particular function,
Amplify Force and Motion
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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