Do you like hiking?, Does it feel cold in your room?, How many glasses of water do you drink per day?, Do you have a pet? , Do elephants eat flowers?, What do you have in your pocket?, What do you do when you feel energetic?, Where do you go for peace and quiet?, Where is the best place to eat pizza in this city?, How much sleep do you usually get?, What are you studying these days?, What are you looking forward to these days?, How is the weather changing these days? (It is getting…), Imagine there is an alien spaceship near earth. What is it doing? What are the aliens doing?, Imagine the cabin of an airplane. What are the flight attendants doing right now?, In the sky, where is the bird going? What is the sun doing?, Outside on the street, what are people doing?, What are you doing right now? How are you feeling today?, What are you doing tonight?, Who are you meeting this weekend?.
Speaking 2: Present Simple vs Present Continuous
7 клас
8 клас
9 клас
Present Continuous
present simple
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