DNS Server - Convert names to IP address , DHCP Server - Automatic IP address configuration, File Server - Centralized storage of documents, spreadsheets, videos, pictures, and any other files, Print Server - Connect a printer to the network, Mail server - Store incoming mail , Syslog - Standard for message logging, needs alot of disk space, Web Server - respond to browser requests, web pages stored on the server, Authentication Server - Login Authentication to resources, Spam - unsolicited messages, Spam gateways - Unsolicited emails, stop before it reaches user, Load balancers - Distribute the load, Proxy server - performs the actual request, provides results back to client, SCADA / ICS - Large scale sized systems, PC manages equipment, Legacy systems - Another experssion for "really old", IoT - Smart Appliances, devices, Air control, Access,
Comptia A+ 1101 2.4 Network Services Continued
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