Favorite flavor of ice cream? , What is your favorite food? , Who is your favorite artist? Favorite song?, What is your favorite TV show, Would you rather live in a dessert or a jungle?, what is your favorite sport?, one wish you have?, what is your favorite color, Favorite movie?, do you like tiktok or instagram better?, what is your biggest fear?, what is your favorite thing about youself?, Who is your role model/hero, Who is your favorite teacher?, What is your favorite subject?, Favorite clothing brand?, What is one of your goals for this school year?, What is your zodiac sign and when is your birthday?, What is a talent of yours?, What is your favorite snack?, Can you sing?, Dream job?, Dream car?, If you had a super power of your choice, what would it be?, Would you rather teach a class in high school or have your parents teach one of your classes?.
DCHS Icebreakers
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