a coach - A person who trains and guides a team or individual in a sport, game, or other activity., a fan - An enthusiastic supporter of a particular sports team, player, or activity., a team - A group of people working together to achieve a common goal., a winner - A person or thing that is successful in a competition or contest., a match - A sporting event between two teams or players., a race - A competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc., to see which is the fastest over a set course., a bat - A piece of equipment used in some sports, such as baseball, cricket, and softball, consisting of a long handle with a flat surface at one end., a racket - A tool consisting of an oval frame with a network of strings stretched across it, used for hitting a ball in various games., to hit the ball - To strike a ball with a bat, club, or other object., to kick the ball - To move a ball by striking it with the foot., to score a goal - To put the ball into the net in certain sports, such as soccer, hockey, and lacrosse, resulting in points being awarded to the scoring team., to throw the ball - To move a ball through the air using the arm., a pitch - The area where a game of baseball or cricket is played., a court - An enclosed area in which a game of tennis, basketball, volleyball, badminton, squash, or handball is played.,
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4C (Sport Vocab-Definitions)
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