1) When we talk about general ability in the past, we use a) can b) could c) was\were able to d) managed to 2) When we give advice, we use a) must b) have to c) need d) should\ought to 3) When we talk about specific achievement in the past, we use a) could b) can c) canned d) was\were able to 4) When we talk about prohibition, we use a) don`t have to b) don`t need to c) mustn`t d) cant 5) When we want to ask permission, we use a) can, could, might b) may, might,can c) can,could,may d) could, might 6) When we want to give permission, we use a) can, may b) can, could, may c) can,could d) can, might 7) If someone tells "You musn`t use computers for your personal needs", it means a) we can do it, but it`s not necessary b) we aren`t allowed to do it 8) If someone tells "I must buy new clothes", it means a) It`s their decision b) They`re obliged to do it 9) "Maybe he`ll be at work tomorrow" means a) He will be at work b) He may be at work 10) If I were you, I would confess a) You should confess b) You must confess 11) If I _______ sing, I`d be a member of a band a) can b) could c) was able to
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