affectionate - showing caring feelings and love for somebody, lovable - having qualities that people find attractive and easy to love, often despite any faults, rebellious - unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc., envious - wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else; wanting something that somebody else has, considerate - always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others, thoughtful - you think about and care for other people, sociable - enjoying spending time with other people, glamorous - especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people, impulsive - acting suddenly without thinking carefully about what might happen because of what you are doing, compassionate - feeling or showing sympathy for people or animals who are suffering, possessive - demanding total attention or love; not wanting somebody to be independent, reliable - can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on, self-confident - is self-assured, selfish - thinks only about himself, bossy - tells others what to do, aggressive - is often angry with everything, moody - changes mood quickly, charming - has a great personality, everybody likes him, insecure - feels unsafe, sensible - follows his mind, not his heart, sensitive - cries on Hatiko movie, emotional, ambitious - person who wants to achieve more, recognizable - well-known person in the country, profitable - something that brings you income, desirable - something we really want to get, affordable - something you can buy or get, because you have enough money, impressive building - amazing building, cheerful - funny, full of positive emotions,
EF Intermediate plus 1B adjectives
B1 plus
English file 4th edition
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