assess - to carefully consider a situation, person or problem in order to make a judgement, baffle - if a problem, someone's behaviour makes this with you, you cannot understand or solve it, consider - to think about sth carefully before making a decision or developing an opinion, contemplate - to think very carefully about sth for a long time, deliberate - to think about or discuss sth very carefully, especially before you make an important decision, discrimintate - to recognise the difference between things, estimate - an amount that you guess or calculate using the information available, faith - strong belief in or trust of someone or sth, dubious - not completely good, save or honest, genius - very high level of skill or ability, hunch - a feeling that sth is true or will happen, although you do not know any definite facts about it, assume - to believe that sth is true, even though no one has told you or even though you have to proof, biased - preferring one person, thing or idea to another in a way that is unfair, cynical - someone who believes that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest, or expects things not to be successful or useful,
Part 1 of 6 Unit 2 Definitions Destination C1 C2
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