1) هذه a) there is/are b) 🚺 this is c) next d) at the right 2) الصورة a) there is/are b) in c) been taken d) picture 3) ألتقطت a) been taken b) black c) I am d) picture 4) في a) University b) 🚺 this is c) picture d) in 5) الجامعة a) there is/are b) poster c) University d) I thing 6) على يمين a) black b) at the right c) while d) poster 7) على اليسار a) black b) I thing c) at the right d) atthe left 8) هناك a) been taken b) there is/are c) attraction d) black 9) لوحة a) black b) at the right c) attraction d) poster 10) لونها a) there is/are b) its color c) picture d) 🚺 this is 11) أسود  a) there is/are b) attraction c) poster d) black 12) أبيض a) there is/are b) white c) in d) its color 13) أنا a) 🚺 this is b) black c) I am d) University 14) أعتقد a) I think b) I am c) its color d) in 15) مَعْلَم a) attraction b) in c) there is/are d) I thing 16) بجانب a) I am b) while c) next d) black

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