parliamentary procedure - Orderly way of conducting a meeting and discussing group business., Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA-PBL) - Organization for students interested in business careers., SkillsUSA - Organization that provides educational experiences that help students develop leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and character., formal meeting - Structured meeting with a specific guide and process., Robert's Rule of Order - An effective way to conduct a meeting; the most common reference used in parliamentary procedure., Educators Rising - Organization that supports students who are interested in education careers., Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) - School group that helps students learn more about certain occupational areas., Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) - Organization for students with an interest in family and consumer sciences., Business Professionals of America (BPA) - Organization for students enrolled in business and information technology programs., informal meeting - Meeting where members discuss day-to-day issues., Technology Student Association(TSA) - Organization for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics., National FFA Organization (FFA) - Organization for students preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture., leadership - Ability to motivate others to achieve a goal., leader - Person who influences the actions of others., HOSA-Future Health Professionals - Organization for students interested in health science careers.,
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