Name the charge and mass of a neutron, Name the charge and mass of a proton, Name the charge and mass of an electron, How many electrons can occupy the innermost shell?, Explain the overall charge of an atom, How can an atom become a 2+ ion?, How can an atom become a 2- ion?, Define atomic number, Define mass number, Define the word mixture, state the difference between compounds and mixtures, Describe when you would use filtration to seperate a mixture, Describe when you would use crystallisation to seperate a mixture, Describe when you would use distillation to seperate a mixture, Describe when you would use chromatography to seperate a mixture, How many electrons in the outer shell of Neon?, How many electrons in the outer shell of Magnesium?, How many electrons in the outer shell of phosphorous?, What is the difference in atomic structure for isotopes of the same element? , Do isotopes of the same element react the same? Explain why., How many electrons in a F+ ion? (F normally has 9 electrons), How many protons in a F+ ion? (F normally has 9 protons), How many atoms of P are there in 2Mg(P2O4)2, How many atoms of O are there in 2Mg(P2O4)2.
Atoms C1S1
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