Promotion - Any form of communication that a company uses to inform, persuade, or remind consumers about products, Encoding - When the sender reverts an idea into a message the receiver can understand., Media - The method by which the message travels , Interpersonal communication - person to person exchange, Decoding - The process which the receiver interprets the transmitted language and symbols to comprehend the message, Advertising - any form of paid non personal communication that uses mass media to deliver a marketers message to an audience, Broadcast Media - Television or Radio, Publicity - any non-paid mention of a product, service, company, or cause, Ambient advertising - Includes any non-traditional medium in the environment of the audience, Direct mail - any marketing message sent to an audience through mail, Promotional Mix - the combination of advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sells promotion that marketers use to reach the target market, Print Advertising - any paid message in a magazine or newspaper, Feedback - The receivers response to a message, Communication Process - The transfer of messages from sender to receiver, Promotional Plan - The blueprint of how the elements of the promotional mix will work together ,
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