What is the username/ password ?, What website do I go to ?, Do I have to turn off the computer ?, Come here . Please., I need some help. I don´t understand., I can´t find it ., Can I use another app ?, Where do I find the information ?, Can I share my screen ?, Can I play a game ?, Can we play Kahoot today ?, The computer is not working., How many points do I have?, I have finished ., What do I do now ?, How do I answer this ?, I can´t see your screen., Do I have to write a nickname ?, The connection has dropped out., Are we gonna reconnect again ?, Can you turn on your microphone?, Can you turn off your microphone ?, Can I search this word?, Can you access the Canvas plataforma?, Don´t forget to post your activity at Canvas, Turn on your video camera .,
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