je lis - I'm reading, je vais lire - I am going to read, je viens de lire - I just read (finished), nous lisons - we are reading, vous lisez - you ALL are reading, elles lisent - they (f) are reading, tu lis - you (informal) read, tu dis - you (informal) are saying, elle dit - she says, nous disons - we are saying, vous dites - you all are saying, ils disent - they (masc.) say, tu viens de lire - you (informal) just read, tu vas lire - you (informal) are going to read, il va lire - he is going to read, nous venons de lire - we just read (finished), vous allez lire - you all are going to read, elles vont lire - they (fem.) are going to read, nous allons dire - we are going to say, tu vas écrire - you (informal) are going to write, je vais écrire - I am going to write, tu écris - you (informal) are writing, tu ris - you (informal) are laughing, vous riez - you ALL are laughing, ils rient - they are laughing, tu cours - you (informal) run, il vient de courir - he just ran, il va courir - he is going to run, nous courons - we are running, nous allons courir - we are going to run,
courir/ rire/écrire/lire/dire - present and immediate past and immediate future
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